
Legislators upholds international adoption ban, recommends facing out children’s homes

By Lydia Gichuki To safeguard children from rogue international adopting parents, legislators during the second reading of Children’s bill 2021 in Parliament yesterday, upheld the 20 years moratorium on adoption that was enacted by the government in 2014. This was after the bill allowed children to be adopted foreign nationals in which adoption would be

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Parents, Children and Body-Image

Every time we look in the mirror judging ourselves, feeling imperfect, let’s not forget that we are much more than that. By Ivy Maloy A teenager’s body image can affect everything from self-esteem to choices about clothing, diet, and exercise. It can also lead to afflictions such as anorexia. How can parents help their teenagers

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The Nightmare of a Missing Child

One Child Missing is one too many– International Missing Children’s Day By Constance Ndeleko THEME: TOGETHER WE CAN BRING OUR MISSING CHILDREN HOME The burden of uncertainty one carries of the whereabouts their child are the deepest emotional torment a parent/caregiver/family/friend and society bares. It is the an unidentified feelings where one minute you burst

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Defying the cut and forced marriage

Child holding EndFGM placard By Diana Meneto It was in December 2013, when Naneu Timpani overheard her parents planning her circumcision ceremony. By then, she was only 12 years old but understood the consequences of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).  “Through older friends in school who had gone through the rite, I knew that not only

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