Kisii School Boys Caught Smuggling Bhang to School

By Raisa Okwaras,

Two high school students of Kisii School have been caught with rolls of bhang which they were smuggling to school in peculiar ways. The two were caught after the institutions brought in police sniffer dogs for an impromptu search.

What was predestined to be a normal first day of classes ended up unfolding more than what the student and the institution were ready for.

On Tuesday, April 26, 2022, the Kisii School administration sought the help of police sniffer dogs for a random search. One boy was caught with 10 rolls of marijuana (bhang) shoved into a medicine wrapper. On the other hand, the other student had reshaped the bhang in tea bags to conceal its identity.

When asked, the earlier could not find the words to defend himself. These boys and more had probably gotten used to devising creative ways of sneaking drugs in school. Never had they thought that the school would consider employing the help of narcotics-detecting dogs.

According to the police, the latter bought a pack of tea bags and emptied its contents. He then shoved fine-ground marijuana into each tea bag before sealing it. The naked teachers’ eyes at the security check desk could not suspect that to be marijuana. However, the police sniffer dogs were smarter.

The parents who witnessed the ordeal could not hold back their disbelief. However, they were relieved since they now knew what their innocent-looking children had been up to.

Many tied the school’s resolution to use police sniffer dogs to having the influence of the discussions that took place in Mombasa during the head teachers’ conference. During the conference, it was stated that drug and substance abuse was one of the main causes of unruly behavior in Kenyan schools.

Last week, the secondary school head teachers met in Mombasa and suggested drug testing for students. According to them, this move will help fight student indiscipline.

The two culprit boys were separated from the rest of the students. They were held in custody, awaiting to be arraigned in court.

Do you have any stories pertaining to students abusing drugs? Please comment below.

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