Mtoto News

8:15 - 8:35amRegistration/Exhibitions and PresentationsSynchronousSession Chair and Rapporteur20 Mins
8:35 - 8:50 amRecap of Day 1Q & A SessionChair: Tobias Opiyo, Catholic Relief Services (CRS)

Lead Rapporteurs: Stella Ndugire Mbugua & Ruth Muendo
15 mins
8:50 - 9:50 amGuest Speaker: Teen motherhood and the plight of teen mothers Dr Elizabeth Omondi, Member of Smart start Siaya Executive team and Lecturer and JOOUST

Guest Speaker: Pediatric Care amidst COVID-19 Dr Caroline Mwangi Head, Division of Neonatal and Child Health (DNCH), Ministry of Health

Guest Speaker: Childcare for the Vulnerable groups Prof. Amina Abubakar Director, IHD, Aga Khan University (AKU)

Using IDELA approach for ECD learners’ assessment, Irene Wali, Save the Children

Community Health Volunteers adopt strategies to help children thrive amidst COVID-19 pandemic, Beatrice Oyugi, PATH

Endline Study on Let’s Play, Spaces for Kids to be Kids, Samburu and Isiolo Counties, Agnes Ngonyo / Fariza Baidaly. UNICEF
AsynchronousChair: Tobias Opiyo, Catholic Relief Services (CRS)

Rapporteur: Stella Ndugire Mbugua & Ruth Muendo
60 mins

9:50 – 10:20 am

Tea break /Participants to view Gallery / Poster Presentations- 30 Minutes

concurrent session

TIME: 10:20 – 11:05 am

Institute of Human Development (IHD/AKU

Rapporteur: Racheal Makena & Bernard Ashiono

Rethinking childcare workforce & SDGS and emerging issues

Implication for Practice and Policy & Community responsibility and responsive child caregiving

Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)

Rapporteur: Sally Moraa & Penina Nyamori

AfECN Catalogue of Abstracts for ECDNeK Conference

Africa Early Childhood Network (AfECN)

Rapporteur: Regina Mwasambo

11:05 - 12: 05pm PlenarySynchronousSession Chair: Dr. Teresa Mwoma, ED-ECDNeK

Rapporteurs: Racheal Makena & Penina Nyamori
60 Mins
12:05 - 12:45 pmCounty governments sharing on progress made in ECDSynchronousSession Chair: Dr. Teresa Mwoma, ED-ECDNeK

Rapporteurs: Racheal Makena & Penina Nyamori
40 mins
12:45 - 1:45 pmLunch breakAsynchronousFree activities60 mins
1:45 - 2.45 pmEmmanuel Korir, Rose Iminza and Prof. Alexandra Gottardo, World Vision Kenya Using Technology to Improve Literacy in the Global SouthSynchronousSession Chair: Dr. Olumbe, Daystar University

Rapporteurs: Janet Ndeto & Sally Moraa
2:45 - 3.00 pmDay two close announcementsSynchronousSession Chair: Dr. Olumbe, Daystar University

Rapporteurs: Janet Ndeto & Sally Moraa
15 mins