This is a continental forum that seeks to give children a platform for participation in shaping policies and program interventions around issues affecting them. The Summit brings together children from across Africa and beyond to share their experiences on matters of children’s rights and protection; the unique challenges they face; interventions by their governments and share recommendations or solutions


The Summit’s goal is to empower African children and create a space where they feel seen, heard and engaged by their peers and community as provided by the AU child participation guidelines..

Objectives of Africa Children Summit

  • To  dialogue on what needs to be done to make the Africa Children want.
  • To Generate and share evidence-based child rights concerns and challenges in Africa.
  • To Propose key policy recommendations on how Africa can address child protection challenges.
  • To Documentation and packaging of key issues, advocacy asks and recommendations into  an outcome statement.
  • To recognize State parties, organizations and individuals contributing to the well-being of children in Africa.
  • To come up with a children’s action plan on making the Africa they want. 

Outcome from the Objectives

  • A Communique/Outcome statement with policy recommendations and advocacy asks to be shared with Regional bodies, the UN, Governments and CSOs. 
  • Increased involvement of children in the architecture and design of programme and policy interventions on Children issues. 
  • A report on the child rights concerns and challenges in Africa. 
  • An action plan on children’s involvement of children in Africa.