THE Inaugural Africa Children Summit APRIL 2023
‘A Child Led Conference’

about The Africa Children's Summit
The Africa Children’s Summit, is a continental forum that seeks to give children a platform for participation.
Driven by children from Kenya, and amplified by Mtoto News, the Summit’s goal is to empower African children and create a space where they feel seen, heard and engaged by their peers and community.
The Summit brings together children from across Africa and beyond to share their experiences on matters of children rights and protection; the unique challenges they face; interventions by their governments and share recommendations or solutions.
The Summit is child-led and is to be hosted by children in Nairobi Kenya on 10th to 12th April 2023. The inaugural Summit will be graced by the Vice Chair of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Prof. Phillip D. Jaffè and the UN Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence Against Children Dr. Najat Maalla M’Jid.
The purpose of the Summit is to bring children from across the continent together to discuss among themselves on children matters in Africa;
- To dialogue on what needs to be done to make the Africa Children want;
- Generate and share evidence – based child rights concerns and challenges in Africa.
- Propose key policy recommendations on how Africa can address child protection challenges.
- Documentation and packaging of key issues, advocacy asks and recommendations into an outcome statement
- To recognize State parties, organizations and individuals contributing to the wellbeing of children in Africa; and
- To come up with a children’s action plan on making the Africa they want.
- A Communique/Outcome statement with policy recommendations and advocacy asks to be shared with governments, CSOs and regional bodies, key one being the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child.
- Increased involvement of children in the architecture and design of programme and policy interventions on Children issues.
- A report on the child rights concerns and challenges in Africa
- An action plan on children’s involvement of children in Africa.

Authentic and Unscripted Intergenerational Dialogue
The conference is designed to deliver unscripted and authentic dialogue between policy makers and children. The aim of the event is to share and address challenges that children are facing in an era of newly emerging risks, such as pandemics and climate change. The discussion will be about the positives, what might be worrying and anything that needs to change to enable the child to be safer. Participants, including children, public figures, experts and government officials, will discuss and showcase new risks and new opportunities in the rapidly changing world. A particular focus will be given on the ways in which children can be agents of change in the face of the key challenges.

- Children are naturally creative and talented. The event, designed to be interactive and child friendly, will involve a gallery walk where children will showcase their art work and other images inspired by their experiences growing up in Africa.

- The event will be held in a hybrid format, with both face-to-face and online participation, in accordance with pandemic precautions, and will be live-streamed on YouTube.
- The Summit will bring together children from across Africa and beyond to share their experiences on matters of children rights and protection, the unique challenges they face, interventions by the governments and share recommendations or solution.

- Children will have the opportunity to showcase their skills and talent through skits, poems, spoken word and plays that communicate a message around child protection issues in Africa.

side event
- Mtoto News is cognisant of the fact that there are several gaps in Africa on child participation, hence will have side events to discuss these and other topics in line with the theme of the Summit targeting adults.

- Children will share pre recorded videos talking about the challenges they face or showcasing their initiatives.

Al Amin Ahmed
Governor Kenya Children Assembly

Michelle Wanjiru
Trained Journalist and child advocate

Daisy Njoroge
Speaker- Kenya Children Assembly

Brian King
Chairperson of The Africa Children Summit Children's Steering Committee

Foday Bangura
from Sierra Leone

Evans Otieno
Governor Kenya Children Assembly

Adela and Adeline
from Tanzania

Hon Lady Justice Martha Karambu Koome
Chief Justice & President of the Supreme Court Kenya

Hon. Lady Justice Teresiah Mumbua Matheka
Chairperson NCAJ Standing Committee on Access to Justice for Children

Hon.Alassane MOULAYE
Member of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child

Prof. Phillip D. Jaffè
Vice Chair, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Hon. Karoonawtee Chooramun
Member of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child

Dr. Najat Maalla M’jid
UN Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence Against Children.

Jennifer Kaberi
CEO and founder of Mtotonews International

Hon. Aboubekrine El Jera
Member of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
USD 2,500- 5,000
This equivalent to sponsoring 10-50 children from Nairobi to attend the summit
USD 5,000-10,000
This is equivalent to sponsoring 10-20 Kenyan children to attend the Summit
USD 11,000-25,000
This equivalent to sponsoring 10-20 Eastern African Children to attend the conference
USD 26,000- 50,000
This is equivalent to sponsoring 10- 20 children from Southern and Central Africa
USD Over 50,000
This is equivalent to sponsoring 10-20 children from Western and North Africa

- Partners

- Diamond Sponsors

- Platinum sponsors

- Silver Sponsors

- Bronze Sponsors