By Constance Ndeleko
Why are students torching down their own facilities?
Five students from Karumandi Boys High School are being held in police custody at the Gichugu, Kirinyaga County for allegedly burning down school dormitory.
Gichugu Police Commander Anthony Mbogo states that, the fire was reported to have began at around 4am burning down a dormitory that accommodates 83 students.
Mr. Mbogo said it took combined efforts of the students to put out the fire but, by then, all the belongings of the 83 students had been consumed by the fire.

The police commander says, it took collective efforts of the students from the institution to put down the fire with nothing left for the 83 students to salvage their belongings as they were all set a blaze.
He further stated that the 5 students arrested over the incident will be arraigned at the Gichugu Law Courts where they will be charged with arson.
This unfortunate incident becomes the second school in Kirinyaga County to burn down a dormitory shorty after Karia Secondary School which has since been closed for two weeks, to allow for investigations to be carried out by police officers.
There have been concerns about school preparedness to deal with fires as most are not contained in time posing a danger to students.
What we need to understand is:
- What are the reasons behind these attacks ?
- What is the take on the Ministry of education and the government?